All persons fishing our waters do so at their own risk and Peper Harow Park Fly Fishers Club takes no responsibility for any damage, accident or personal injury of whatsoever kind or nature.
At the start of each season and on a regular basis, all members and their guests should make themselves aware of the risks they face by reading the Risk Assessment page of the website. The website may be changed, or members notified by email during the season if a new risk is identified.
Members should carry out their own personal risk assessment when fishing and take appropriate action to ensure their own safety and that of others.
Good health and safety is everyone’s business. Members have special responsibilities on the club’s waters to protect:
- Themselves and their guests from the normal hazards associated with fishing.
- Themselves and their guests from other hazards that they may observe by reporting them to the Club Health & Safety Officer (contact details below) for corrective action or the issue of a warning to members via email, WhatsApp, or the club website.
- The future safety of members and others by reporting all incidents, near misses or accidents to the Club Health & Safety Officer to allow the collection and circulation of essential learning points and lessons.
To comply with the rules of the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) on reportable incidents (RIDDOR):
- Members must inform the Club Health & Safety Officer in the event of an accident that requires the member or their guest to be taken directly from the Club to hospital for treatment to an injury. Note that examinations and diagnostic tests do not constitute ‘treatment’ in such circumstances.
- The HSE guidelines don’t require incidents to be reported where people are taken to hospital purely as a precaution when no injury is apparent. However, please still report the incident to the Club Health & Safety Officer to allow the collection and circulation of essential learning points and lessons.
Members are responsible for briefing their guests on the Club’s Health & Safety policy and their personal H&S responsibilities.
Reporting a new risk, hazard, or incident/accident
The Club’s Health and Safety Officer phone number is available below, and their email address is available on the Risk & Accident Report form which is available for download from this page.
Please download and complete the form with as much information as possible and email it to the Health & Safety Officer as soon as possible. You will receive a response to confirm your email has been received, and information regarding any further actions to be taken.
Blank forms are also available from the club hut. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE COMPLETED FORMS IN THE HUT. Instead contact the Health and Safety Officer for further information.
Health & Safety Officer Contact Details
David Thorpe 07796 178213